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Introducing Little D's La Finca Uresti


Little D's La Finca Uresti is a little farm in Rural Texas. It has become David's place of therapy where he is thriving everyday while working with animals and starting his own business in order to help sustain his independence and be self sufficient. 


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Autism and Our Farm

Learning as we Go!

I’ve been thinking a lot about making a post in regards to how important it is to have inclusion for autistic individuals. From the beginning I kept trying to push David to be included at his new school. It was rough still many changes need to be done but back in 2021 during the weekend that we had the county stock show competition and seeing that he was in his zone completely comfortable around other individuals. He loved that he was recognized that other kids came up to him and said hi David and he really liked that of course he it took him longer to respond him and half the time they were already walking off but he did respond he would say hi to everybody a few delayed seconds after they had moved on but it shows that he was actually paying attention to everything that was going around him. I don’t think I had really realize the impact that being included would make for him until this. He has so much to offer so much that he wants to do but of course it’s hard for him because of the social awkwardness. If Neurotypicals give Respect, kindness and an opportunity for an autistic individual to respond to them and show empathy I believe things will change. Of course it’s different for every individual I’m not saying that what has happened with David would happen to other children but I do believe that there needs to be more research in regards to being included we don’t want them to be having to mask any of their autistic traits. They need to be allowed to learn to regulate themselves without feeling shame. I noticed that David was able to take about three minutes probably and that’s probably a lot to be able to release all the pent up energy anxiety that he was having by pacing back-and-forth and giving a couple of shelves that because there was so much noise going around that it wasn’t something that everybody turned around to see what was happening he was able to release it and that in itself made him or helped him realize that it was OK to be him. After that he was able to just mellow down be around other people a couple of times I looked and he was just sitting there or leaning against something just waiting and watching observing and learning at no time did he actually feel overwhelmed I don’t believe. He took it as a challenge at times We had to wait 3,4 or 5 hours before anything was happening and obviously we didn’t know what was going on or that it would take that long or longer since it was our first time. We just basically were kind of chilling in a way. I think me and  Dayi and myself were the ones who were more anxious than he was.

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