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Ask Me Anything


How old are you and why do you work so hard?

I am 10 yrs old as of April 2022 and I have to work because nothing is free and  being autistic it will be harder to learn when I am older. So for now I am learning at a slower pace and making progress.

How are you becoming independent at such a young age?

By learning to grow my own food and also learning life skills on a farm. I also help my farm out by working toward goals that are achievable. Like selling eggs to help pay for the feed things like that.

How can we follow your progress or help you grown?

You can follow me on IG, Twitter and TikTok @AutismNotEvery1. You can also help me achieve my goals by purchasing a t-shirt or if you care to donate to me via cashapp $LittleDavidU or Zelle Every purchase or donation made is used to help me grow my business or my farm and is greatly appreciated.

What is the one thing you need at your farm that you do not have?

Honestly I have several needs but for now elbow grease is going a long way. But my dream is to own a little green tractor,  to be able to move the hay for the animals, the one we have currently works when it wants to its like 70 yrs old. I guess in more reasonable and achievable terms I need a different irrigation system I am currently using a hose to water my plants and its time consuming moving it around to water all the plants and I would love a green house to be able to grow year round..

How many Alpacas do you have and do they Spit?

Currently we have 8 alpacas and they only spit when upset or at feeding time they don't like sharing grain.

What other animals do you have on your farm besides alpacas?

I currently have chickens, 2 Lgd Pyrenees dogs, 2 cats, a bull and my cow LOLA and 10 sheep all female except one ram I have hand raised each of my animals or even bottle feed them. I also plan on showing this year at our county livestock show in January. I also own a pair of PEACOCKS they are beautiful.

What do you do with the animals you have?

Currently they are all freeloaders and lawn ornaments, except for my chickens they give me eggs so they kind of support themselves. Oh and Bella and Beast my Great Pyrenees Dogs they are my security guards and keep all my animals safe so I guess they work too!

What do you normally plant?

We plant alot of peppers, tomatoes, lots of greens ( I like to give these to my chickens and I sacrifice them to the bugs so that my other plants thrive) corn, squash, melons and cucumbers and my list would go on and on. But mainly vegetables and a few fruits.

What is your favorite veg. or plant that you plant on your farm?

My Favorite is cucumbers, watermelons and strawberries.

How many plants do you currently have planted in the ground?

I would say about 200-250 total plants of different vegetables.

What is your most favorite thing about your farm?

Wow this will be hard, I love all my animals the freedom living on the farm gives me. But my favorite part is when they let me drive the tractor nothing can beat the feeling of being able to feel like you are so big and powerful you can conquer anything. One day I hope to own a big green tractor like I see on the big farms around me.

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