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4-H and FFA

Livestock Shows

Last year David learned about 4-H and FFA and what that means. Did you know FFA means Future Farmers of America?  Both 4-h and FFA are almost the same in that you learn to care for livestock (farm animals) like cows, goats, sheep, rabbits and chickens. Once you determine which animal you want to care for then they will help you learn what are the needs and how to take care of it then you get judged on your animal at shows if you participate. David showed in our local county it was amazing to see him transformed from a child who normal is withdrawn and shy he flourished it was like he was another version of him. He showed with confidence of course he has still a lot to learn but he is already starting on his next project. Keeping a strict routine and schedule is costly you can help by purchasing a T-Shirt all profits made go toward his project and help him continue to excel in his new found passion.

4-H and FFA: Industries
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